Car Lease Calculator
Car Information
Lease Information
MSRP: Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price, also known as the "sticker price" of the vehicle.
Net Capitalized Cost: The final selling price of the vehicle, after any negotiations and other discounts.
Down Payment: Any money that is paid up front at the start of the lease.
Residual Value: The percentage of the car's value remaining at the end of the lease term.
Money Factor: The interest rate charged on the lease. To convert a standard interest rate to a money factor, divide it by 2400.
Lease Term: The number of months the vehicle will be leased for, typically between 24 and 48 months.
Annual Mileage: The total mileage allotment for each year in the lease term.
Tax Rate: The local vehicle sales tax rate.
Monthly Payment: | |
Monthly Depreciation: | |
Monthly Rent Charge: | |
Monthly Tax: | |
Monthly Mileage Adjustment: | |
Total Depreciation: | |
Total Rent Charge: | |
Total Tax: | |
Total Mileage Adjustment: | |
Total Cost of Monthly Payments: | |
Total Lease Cost (incl. down payment): | |
End of Lease Buyout Price: |